Thursday, August 30, 2012

Eat and Freeze Chicken Taquitos

I made up this yummy recipe when I was going to be out of town for a week and wanted to leave my hubby something in the freezer so he wouldn't survive on pudding and cookies all week. They were super tasty and an "add whatever's in the fridge" kind of dinner. Sorry, but no pics this time!

24 small corn tortillas
Olive/vegetable oil
1 baked, shredded boneless skinless chicken breast (or equivalent)
5 oz cream cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 clove chopped garlic
1 dash of diced pickled jalepenos
1 tbs. of lemon juice
2 tsps. of chili sauce (I got mine from Panda Express!)

Excluding the corn tortillas and oil, place ingredients in bowl and mix well. Set aside mixture and heat oil in a pan on the stove. Once there are small bubbles in the oil, take tongs and place a corn tortilla in until it bubbles up. Turn it over for a couple of seconds, and pull out on a plate with paper towels. Place a spoonful of the mixture in the center of the tortilla and roll once manageable. Repeat and place the taquitos on a cookie sheet once rolled. When all the taquitos are on the sheet, spray the tops with canola oil (a very little amount) in order to help them crisp up a bit. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes and enjoy! These are easily freezable and taste great after heating up in the microwave :)

Sam Gave This Girl a Kitchen...

5 1/2 months ago I married my dear, sweet husband Sam. Many changes happened at once for me! First, and most obviously, I was a wife. But along with marrying Sam, for the first time ever I had my own kitchen and was in charge of a (very tiny) food budget and shopping list. I have had some crazy learning/growing experiences. I've been introduced to Pinterest recipes, all kinds of household appliances (wedding gifts w00t), and some very interesting whoopsies. I finally figured that since most of my Facebook posts now relate to new recipes and couponing, I should just write a blog about it and let my friends decide whether or not they want to read about what I have for dinner every night :) So this blog will be about food, couponing triumphs and failures, and other developments I reach while trying to become domesticated ;) Let's go!